Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day and other food holidays.....

I know what you’re thinking.  You haven’t heard from in three days and you are sighing and shaking your head sadly.  You are certain that I succumbed to the siren song of a of a certain bag of Fritos which keeps calling my name and that the aforementioned bag of Fritos swallowed me whole, or vice versa.  I fell off the face of the earth for three days, so I probably fell off the wagon, too, right?  Well, yes and no.  

I behaved badly over the weekend and ate what I wanted and didn’t even get my beach walk in this weekend.  My beach time was spent lazing in a chair, talking with an old friend I hadn't seen in years and floating with my foam noodle is the warm Gulf waters. Saturday night I imbibed in that glorious southern delicacy known as shrimp and grits (cheese and jalapeno grits, to be exact - as only Doc Ford's can do it), accompanied by a couple of Rum Runners. And last night I had a marvelous steak dinner with my friends.  I managed to leave and head home before the pan of brownies came out of the oven, so you gotta give me some credit for that......But, I did work out on Friday and if I work out every day this week, I will still meet my goal.  At least I managed not to gain any weight over this glorious weekend of eating whatever I wanted.  Hey, it was Mother’s Day after, all.  I was entitled!  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Friday I had big plans to walk on my lunch break.  Big plans!!!  But as the morning wore on, the clouds thickened and I knew that rain was threatening.  Still, I was sure that I could have taken my walk and gotten back before the deluge, were it not for a last minute call from a client begging for my help in navigating the maze of the somewhat antiquated software system that I support.  And after forty-five minutes of virtual hand holding and extreme patience on my part, she was able to do what she needed to do, but the dratted woman made me miss my window of opportunity for walking outside.  By the time I got off the phone, Sarasota was being inundated with rainfall of biblical proportions.  Of course, she probably saved me from being struck by lightning, or at the very least being carried away on a river of rainwater, drowned love bugs and dead palm tree fronds.  If I had gone out when I originally intended to take my lunch break, I surely would have been caught in that epic rainstorm. 

So, given no other choice, I stared down my sneering elliptical trainer, gave it my best tough guy glare and said “let’s dance.”   Forty-five minutes later, as I nearly fell off the detestable thing, thighs quivering like a scared little Chihuahua, I shook my fist at it and declared that this wasn’t over yet.  Oh no.  Not by a long shot!  I will beat you, O evil elliptical!

So here, I go today – round two with the elliptical.  I will conquer!!!!!


  1. Dinner at Doc Fords is totally worth falling off the wagon a little as long as you get right back on. My only exercise over the weekend was weed eating and housework. I guess that counts for something.

  2. Oh, that definitely counts!!!!!
