Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Happy Hump Day!

Well boys and girls, I never thought I would say this, but that killer workout I told you all about awhile back – I am surviving it more easily lately. Color me shocked! Not that it is getting to be any more fun. It still feels WONDERFUL when I stop, but I am less Jell-O-like afterwards, and sweat doesn’t start running into my eyeballs until later in the workout than it used to. It seems that my fitness level has squeaked up a notch. A tiny notch, but a notch nonetheless. And I still HATE the move that Little Miss Perky Pink Lip Gloss declares to be her favorite – the dreaded Chopper move. HATE. IT. But I am getting through it better every time. So of course, Comcast is taking this very productive workout video away from me on November 1st. Just like they did the Cardio Sculpt workout that I loved back in September. If they don’t add something new that is just as effective, I am going to stop being such a cheapskate (although Comcast is NOT cheap) and I am going to have to break down and purchase some kickass DVDs. Insert expletive here ______. I have gotten sooooo much from this workout and I don’t want it to go away! Somebody call the wahmbulance!

Anyway, I wanted to talk about my favorite workout day, which is Hump Day. Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike – what day is it Mike? Yeah, I love Hump Day just for that camel commercial in so many ways. That commercial makes me smile every single time I see it. But I also love Hump Day because it is my designated cardio-only workout day. No weights! Hump Day is the day that I give my poor, tired arms a little bit a of a break. It is also the day that I cruise around on Comcast looking to mix things up a bit and find the occasional non-traditional workout to try, just for fun. Today I did straight up kickboxing, so my arms still got quite a workout. I have done lots of kickboxing workouts in the past three months and used I to teach cardio kickboxing at the YMCA back in the day and I still love that workout. But last week, I had a little fun on Hump Day. I found one called Bollywood Dance Party. Oh my. I just HAD to try this one! Plus, I got to do this one barefoot, which is my favorite footwear state anyway. It was fun! It was sweat inducing, although not as tough as what I really like to get in a workout, but it was different and fun. And yes, I looked utterly ridiculous. I swear my cat was laughing at me. And because it wasn’t a 30 minute workout, I decided to tack on another short dance style workout in order to be relieved of any residual guilt from shortchanging my allotted workout minutes. Oh look! A short hip hop dance workout! Let's try it I say. Bring on the hip hop workout! Oh dear Lord. I have new appreciation for the dancers on So You Think You Can Dance and Dancing With The Stars when they dance a hip hop routine. I also have renewed appreciation for my niece who was a rock star on her high school dance team and choreographed a lot of hip hop routines. And I NEVER want her to see what I looked like in my pitiful attempt at hip hop, by the way. Never. Not pretty. Not pretty at all. At that point, I am fairly certain my cat was ready to pick up the phone and call 911 and report that his mom was having some weird kind of seizures. It was insanely ridiculous how hard it was for me to “get” the dance steps, let alone keep up!

So, what should I do next Wednesday? Do I stick with cardio kickboxing? I rock at this. This is in my wheelhouse, as they say. Or do see if I can find something even more ridiculous and have some Hump Day fun? I wonder if they have a Chicken Dance workout video?

P.S. - that's me on that left about to kick that tournament contestant in the midsection. Happily, I won.

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